Message from Representative / 代表挨拶

Hello, I am Ryu Takahashi, CEO of BLT.

We will contribute on society as IT management consultant. We will provide support in polite manner and attentive to details with appreciation to all the opportunities we enjoy.

Moving forward, we are aiming to enlarge the scope of business so that we can provide service on new field in this changing era.

Each one of the players produce beautiful timbres in orchestra, but it depends on the ability of director whether they can be united as one splendid melody in harmony regardless of the size. As the role of CEO, I recognize that it is very important for me to always examine closely and execute necessary improvements on our business as a whole to make sure they bring a “comfortable sound” for customers.

I think any organization – regardless of whether it is small or large – is a place where each one of the staffs in team as being always tested as a person. I will do my best to build trusts and results with keeping this in my mind first along the way forward.

Thank you.


弊社は、IT マネジメントコンサルタントとして社会に貢献して参ります。いただいた貴重なご縁を大切に、かゆいところに届くようなきめ細やかなサポートを心掛けて行く所存です。



